Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Papa in SF (Not Quite Yet)

Wednesday, June 1st 2011

On Tuesday, May 24th, I ended a nearly 9 year career with an educational company to focus on my daughter and our family's impending move to San Francisco.

The second half of 2011 holds many changes for my family.  My daughter has just turned 1, my wife is taking on her first job, the entire family is moving to San Francisco from their beloved Manhattan, and me, Papa (Steve), will be watching his beautiful Mimi full-time for the next year or so.

Hence, this blog.  This is my opportunity to both document, and to share with friends and family, all the unique experiences heading our way.  While much of the content will focus on Mimi's development (and child-rearing challenges) over the next year, those of you who know me well should have already guessed that my thoughts on cars, out-of-towners, apartment hunting, city living, etc. will naturally bubble to the surface in these posts.

I look forward to sharing the next year with all of you.  Mimi does, too!

 Please feel free to share this blog address with anyone you feel would enjoy it.  The more the merrier!


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