Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bed, Bath, and Beyond Expectations

Wednesday, June 1st: ~10:00pm

Today was my first official "stay-at-home" day with Mimi.  I'd spent full days with her before, and even full nights without Mama's support, but this was the first time it was my "job."  It was also a rather remarkable day for Mimi, at least so I think.  Either she made some strides today or she's been hiding a lot of what she can do from us.

The day started with Mimi standing up on her own (well, with the help of the couch) for the first time in our home.  She'd accomplished this feat a day before, at her grandparent's house, but had yet to do so in her native environment.  Though I was on the couch, I don't think I was the motivation.  As usual, it was one of the remote controls.  She had whined a bit for me to pick her up, but I, similarly distracted by my shiny Kindle, chose to ignore her.  Lucky I did, too.  At the end of the next paragraph I looked down to see this child standing up and staring at me.  Who the heck is this?  Mimi can't do that!

In case you were wondering, that's the remote to the NAD amplifier, which is of course the most expensive and difficult to replace of all the remotes.  It is also her favorite to chew on. 

Anyway, her first success with the couch was not so readily repeated, at least in the first hour or so.  However, the more time I gave her, and the less I gave in to her frustration, the faster and more accurate she became with scaling the couch.  By the end of the day she was cruising from one end of the couch to the other.  Like climbing up, she was at first afraid, but by cleverly scooting myself to the opposite end of the couch from her, I was able to goad her into tracking me down (to be honest, I always had to take the remotes with me for this to be effective).  I'm still astounded by the changes I've seen today.  Something just seemed to click for her. 

In the afternoon, we braved the humid and oppressive "Spring" weather (NYC hasn't had a proper spring in years) for a 20 block journey down to Bed, Bath, and Beyond.  I needed an new shower curtain, Mimi needed some sunscreen, and we both needed a child gate for the kitchen. 
I decked Mimi out in hat and pants (far too small, but hey, it's practically summer) and headed out.  By first avenue and 68th, I looked down to find her asleep.  Now, a child falling asleep in a stroller may not sound odd to most, but to anyone who has dealt with this particular child, it's akin to finding a $20.00 bill that you had forgotten in your pocket or discovering that the recent thunderstorm actually washed off all that pollen and bird poop from your car that you were hoping it would.  She slept soundly until we entered the bowels of bed-bath, then decided to make her presence known.  Juice was dispersed and instantly store associates were much more "helpful" with ensuring I found what I needed quite quickly. 

Back home, we slumped on the couch and, thanks to the mercy of the air conditioner, Mimi took a nap and I got some reading in.  Mama came home around 7:30, just in time for dinner. 

All considered, it was a good first day.  Most importantly, I think, that little girl affirmed for me that I have made the right (though difficult) decision with leaving work and taking some time for the family.  Thanks, Mimi. 


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